Don’t let the left keep brainwashing our kids to fight their political wars

But, oh,’ plead the brainwashers, ‘we’re just educating kids.‘ Baloney. Children are clearly “taught” only one perspective; other viewpoints are not just omitted but tainted as racist, sexist, anti-ableist or another fashionable “-ist” insult.

When did it become so normal to turn American children into little activists?

The New York Times has an occasional pull-out section for kids in its Sunday paper. Great, right? What could be bad about news items for children?

Alas, the topics are chosen from a hard-left perspective and aren’t really news items at all but opinion pieces presented as news, often more egregiously than the paper’s adult content.

One headline warns, “A new wave of bills is targeting trans kids.” Turns out the bills are meant to protect girls’ sports and ban gender-reassignment services for minors. The Times calls this a ban on “gender-affirming health care.”


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