Cop-killing hate—and the cowardly president, media, and prosecutors who empower it

Unfortunately, however, “O-Zone Wallace” isn’t the only coward. Just a few weeks ago, Wallace joined other racist cowards in Tulsa as they chanted “kill everything white in sight.”

The case of career-criminal and self-proclaimed ‘Black Supremacist’ Othal Wallace highlights a disturbing trend in America. Wallace was taken into custody while hiding in a treehouse just outside of Atlanta early Saturday—after shooting Daytona Beach police officer Jason Raynor in the head on Wednesday.

Hours after Wallace fled the scene, Chief Jakari Young of the Daytona Beach Police Department called him a “coward”—and rightly so. Wallace talked a big game. And quite disturbingly, he was praised by his racist friends online. But like most cowards, there is a world of difference between his actions and his words. That is, when it came time to “hero up” as his bigoted friends and affiliates would say, Wallace was found hiding in a tree house.


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