Harvard and Yale profs want Biden to create a ‘climate visa’ for Central Americans that would lead to full citizenship

Harvard and Yale professors are advising President Biden to create a “climate visa” and pursue other policies to help Central Americans deal with purported fallout from climate change. The report alleges that the United States has the responsibility to deal with the nearly 4 million immigrants who could be displaced by climate change.

Harvard and Yale University professors are advising President Biden to create a “climate visa” and pursue other policies to help Central Americans deal with purported fallout from climate change.

The 90-page report — created in conjunction with the University Network for Human Rights — argues that climate change will displace nearly 4 million people in Central America over the next three decades.

“We cannot wait another twenty-five years to address these issues. The Biden administration must reform our immigration infrastructure now,” said Clinical Professor of Law Deborah Anker at Harvard Law School, a co-author of the report, in a press release.

As explained by the report’s summary, because the United States is “one of the world’s greatest emitters of greenhouse gases” and a contributor to the “political instability in the region,” the United States must bear responsibility in ensuring that “those who are forced to migrate can do so with security and dignity.”


Complete text linked here.

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