Former French minister: “Those who deny the link between immigration and terrorism have blood on their hands”

Appearing on CNEWS, de Villiers said: “The French see very well that there is a link between immigration and terrorism. Immigration is the breeding ground for Islam which is the breeding ground for Islamism which is the breeding ground for terrorism.” 

A former French minister has delivered a withering attack against pro-multicultural elites, asserting his countrymen “see very well that there is a link between immigration and terrorism” and that the nation is in danger of collapsing if it does not rediscover “a politics of civilisation” to counter “Islamo-leftism”.

Former culture secretary and Eurosceptic Philippe de Villiers issued his warnings in the aftermath of last week’s shocking terrorist killing at a police station outside Paris.

Jihadist, Jamel Gorchene stabbed a female member of staff of the police station in Rambouillet, 20 miles south west of the capital. Gorchene was killed at the scene. The 36-year migrated from Tunisia in 2009 illegally, gaining full residency in 2020. He was not on the security services’ radar before committing the atrocity.


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