Dispensable Diversity

We never needed the legion of diversicrat fifth wheels. Now, anyone who cares to look will see that they are getting paid for doing nothing.

The National Association of Scholars has always thought that large numbers of higher education administrators were—deadwood? Pernicious? Disastrous in their effects on students, as they sent them off on jolly Red Guardish consciousness-raising spring breaks? Some misbegotten laboratory experiment, that crossbred Tammany Hall, OGPU commissars, and the Golgafrincham Ark Fleet Ship B?

The coronavirus allows us to put it more simply: the diversity bureaucrats, and all their cronies, are dispensable.

Diversity Weekends, with all the supplies and busywork needed to make them happen? No students, no staffers, no weekend festivity. Multicultural Film Festivals? Screening canceled, screening canceled, no film at eleven. The lectures on microaggressions have been preempted by microbes—invisible beasties which actually do cause harm. The Bias Response Teams must satisfy themselves with screenshots of professors lecturing from their laptops. The service-learning spring break became a staycation. Our colleges scramble to perform their essential function—teaching—and the emergency makes starkly clear just how useless are the diversity bureaucrats larded through higher education administration.


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