Sarah Palin: Why Aren’t Illegals Sent to Mark Zuckerberg’s Neighborhood?

On Saturday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin wondered why President Barack Obama’s administration was not dumping illegal immigrant children in exclusive liberal communities in Manhattan, Silicon Valley, and the Washington, D.C. suburbs to live with pro-amnesty advocates.

Speaking at the Western Conservative Summit in Colorado on Saturday, Palin said that politicians and their rich pro-amnesty friends in Silicon Valley or Wall Street can afford the best security for their borders that money can buy in their exclusive, gated communities. But Palin said when it comes to taking care of the nearly 60,000 illegal immigrant children who have come across the border since October of last year that they do not want deported, the same pro-amnesty advocates want them dumped in other communities.

“Notice they are not hauling illegals to the swanky neighborhoods of D.C. and Manhattan,” Palin said. “They are sending them to middle-class neighborhoods.” The high-tech industry has come under fire, as Palin noted, for pushing for no limits in the number of guest-worker visas that can be awarded to foreigners while laying off American workers. A week after Bill Gates co-wrote an op-ed calling for an unlimited number of guest-worker visas, Microsoft decided this week to slash 18,000 jobs. Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has also spent millions of dollars through his group to try to ram through comprehensive amnesty legislation.

In her Breitbart News op-ed calling for impeachment, Palin said that illegal immigration is the tipping point for her on impeachment because it impacts working Americans of all races and backgrounds.


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