Category Archives: Frosty Wooldridge

Immigration with Frosty Wooldridge (Video)

Author and world traveler Frosty Wooldridge teleports to Cosmic’s Corner of the Universe. He shares his knowledge of America’s single greatest issue facing our civilization in the 21st century.

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Who Said Diversity and Multiculturalism Are So Wonderful? by Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: Enclaves, change of language, drug gangs gaining strangle holds across America.

“The Great Replacement, or genocide by substitution, is such a huge crime that even its victims cannot believe it. They say to themselves: ‘Of course, it looks very much like it, but it’s not possible, it can’t be true, it would be too enormous, things like that do not happen.’” —Renaud Camus

Fact: by 2042, European-Americans (Caucasians), the dominant ethnic group in America at 90 percent until 1965, will become the new minority in the United States at 49 percent.  Latino-Hispanic-Mexicans will become the new majority.

Every country in the world that features different cultures, languages and ethnic groups, faces endless conflict.

Pedro de Alvarado, a legal immigrant from Venezuela, gives America a sobering taste of what we face with mass immigration.

Sir, what can Americans expect if they continue endless immigration?


Complete text linked here.

The Coming Break Up of America, Part 2

“When civil authority breaks down in America,” Chittum states, “our criminal gangs will fill the power vacuum, just exactly as has been the pattern in Third World countries.”

Part II:  Urban Street Gangs, Growing Militias, Ethnic Enclaves, Bloody Lessons of Tribal Europe, Solutions to this crisis.

After reading the first part of this two-part series on the coming break up of America, you’re probably heartsick or sick to your stomach.  You can feel the invasion quickening in every corner of the country.  It’s not your imagination, either.  This nation-destroying nightmare is happening to you, your friends and your state.  It’s no longer California’s problem; it’s in your community, i.e., Chicago, Detroit, New York, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, LA, Miami and more.

Thomas W. Chittum, author of, “CIVIL WAR II: THE COMING BREAKUP OF AMERICA,” brings concrete historical evidence to the impending conflicts in America.  By looking around, you, the average American, can see this tragedy building.

If you’re not living in California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Miami, Florida, Georgia, New York, Detroit, Michigan and Chicago, Illinois—you might not see it—but it’s coming and it’s coming fast.


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The Coming Break Up of America, Part 1

So why do our politicians sit and twiddle their thumbs?  Why do they aid and abet by doing nothing?  Can’t they see what’s happening to California?  Texas?  Arizona?  The answer in a nutshell:  No!

America faces the most critical juncture in its 244-year history.  This entire BLM and Antifa anarchy must be stopped, or they will continue to be emboldened while our law enforcement and elected officials enable them to continue burning, looting and killing cops.  Indolent Americans sit on their Lazy Boy recliners wielding a remote while their country fractures before their eyes.  It’s been slow for the past 30 years, but it’s quickening in every sector of our country.

Have you noticed more and more people speaking different languages at the supermarket?  Schools?  Movies?  At your local bank?  Have you noticed radio stations and TV crackling with Spanish or other languages in our English-speaking America?  Have you seen more people disrespecting the singing of our national anthem?  Have you noticed our laws being broken such as red lights being run or people fleeing accident scenes where they were the cause?  Have you noticed more trash in your state and national parks, especially in California, Arizona, Texas and Georgia?


Complete text linked here.

America And Western Countries: Becoming The World’s Refugee Camps Part 4 by Frosty Wooldridge

Fragmenting civilizations with incompatible religions and languages.

The great philosopher Emanuel Kant said, “The two great dividers of any civilization are religion and language.”

Simply said, if you morph a country into different languages and religions, you create ultimate fragmentation. That historical fact runs true whether you witness Muslims breaking off from Hindu’s and Buddhists in India to form Pakistan. One look at Lebanon shows bombings and chaos among it diverse religious and language groups.

Take a look at Iraq’s Sunni Muslims, Shite Muslims and Kurdish Muslims. They hate each other, kill each other and wage endless war upon each other. They wage violence on Iraq’s Christians without mercy—so much so, after the fall of Saddam Hussein, hundreds of thousands of Christians fled the country.

Some 35 years ago, a Frenchman Jean Raspail, angry that the French president began importing Muslims from Africa and the Middle East wrote a book, Camp of the Saints, that proved terribly clairvoyant. He spoke of a vast armada of poor people having destroyed the ecology of their own countries, sailed toward France to be saved from starvation, human misery and suffering.

He wrote one alarming scenario after another. One of the leaders of the poor spoke to a captain on one of the ships, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they have wallowed in for generations. You don’t know what you’re in for if that fleet of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours. They will swallow you up.”


Complete text linked here.

America And Western Countries: Becoming The World’s Refugee Camps by Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: Western countries being overrun by third world immigration.

As of 2014, 41.3 million foreign-born immigrants call America home. They arrived from 140 war-torn or starvation-prone countries around the world. They reached our shores from failed cultures, failed educational systems (illiteracy), failed economic systems and/or horrendously overpopulated countries around the globe.

They fled or flee countries like India, China, Somalia, Mexico, Bangladesh, Congo, Ethiopia, Honduras, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Indochina and Pakistan along with another 140 countries—stemming from the fact that chaos; starvation and human misery explode off the charts.

This “refugee” immigration “solution” shared by Canada, Europe, Australia and America fails to grasp the fact that 140 countries from around the world continue adding 80 million people, net gain, annually. In other words, the line of desperate humans never ends as to lack of fresh water, food, energy and resources.

Unfortunately, none of those countries or their citizens takes responsibility for their birth rates, their economic systems or their lack of educational systems. They maintain “failed states”, which stem from “failed cultures”, which stem from “failed educational systems or mass illiteracy.” Such third world conditions become intractable and unsolvable when those countries add another 80 million to their ranks annually.

Worse, with such prolific human fecundity, those countries add 1 billion newcomers every 12 years and expect to jump the global population from 7.2 billion today to 10.1 billion by 2050—a scant 36 years from now.


Complete text linked here.

Let’s Stop Being A Country Of Immigrants by Frosty Wooldridge

The further we travel down this “we’re a land of immigrants” nostalgic myth road – the worse the future for all Americans of every color and creed. Let’s stop being a land of endless immigration. Multiculturalism fails on every level and proves itself dangerous for our existence. Let’s maintain our language, our culture, our cleanliness, our hygiene, our educational standards and our ethos.

Quite frankly, I am sick of hearing that, “America was built by immigrants…immigration is our greatest asset…diversity is our greatest strength…immigrants make America grow.”

That was then; this is now. We no longer can absorb the “masses yearning to breathe free.”

At some point, countries around the world and their citizens need to “make a better life” for themselves in their own countries.

One hundred years ago, this country enjoyed endless open spaces, virgin forests, clean rivers and unlimited resources. At the time, dirt roads prevailed, farming dominated and 75 million Americans called North America home. Immigration fed our industrial revolution. We jumped to 300 million by 2007. Such an increase of people can no longer be sustained, tolerated or endured if we hope to survive the 21st century.

Today, with 319 million people in America, we face congested cities, air pollution, gridlocked highways, degraded water, sewage systems, and infrastructure such as roads and bridges falling apart in every sector of our country.

Today, 48 million Americans survive on food stamps and taxpayer paid housing and services.


Complete text linked here.

Can America Withstand the Coming Transformation of Itself? by Frosty Wooldridge

On July 11, 2012, ABC’s anchor Diane Sawyer reported on New York adding two to five million more residents in the coming decades. She said that 300 square foot apartments would be the norm of the future. A 300 square foot apartment equals the size of two car parking spaces. Is this the kind of transformation we want as individuals and communities?

Diane Sawyer

It happened to the Romans. It happened to the American Indians. It happened to the Incas of South America. It happened to the aborigines of Australia. It happened to South Africans. It’s happening to Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France and Spain.

It is happening to the United States of America.

What is “it”?

All those ancient civilizations experienced migration of other civilizations so great in numbers that “it” changed their languages, religions, cultures and ways of life.

The Romans lost their empire. The American Indians lost everything and found themselves stuck on internment camps better known as “reservations.” Today, they cope with alcohol, domestic violence, poverty and purposelessness. The Spaniard Pizarro, using his guns, degraded the Inca nation into oblivion. The Australian aboriginals, like the American Indians, lost their continent to the British invasion. The same happened with South Africa.

Today, Great Britain, by its own hand, watches itself change from “British” to Middle Eastern Islamic right before its eyes. The same goes for Norway, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia and Spain.

While academics and social elites call it “multiculturalism and diversity”, such numbers of humanity racing into first world countries—flood host countries with incompatible cultures, religions and sheer numbers.


Complete text linked here.

Frustrated Montana Woman Tells It Like It Is by Frosty Wooldridge

“My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give our money to a bunch of zero ambition losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would have made Bernie Madoff proud.”

Most Americans feel utter despair about the dysfunctionality of our current president and his Congress. Obama and 535 representatives fail to correct our economic decline, our trade deficit, our financial debt, enforce our immigration laws, correct our joblessness as well as our drop in standard of living for average Americans.

With 14 million unemployed and 7 million underemployed, and 46 million subsisting on food stamps, the numbers don’t lie. Obama and Congress fail our citizens at every level.

Astoundingly, those folks in Washington DC constitute the prime reason for America’s predicament. They engineered it with free foreign trade that killed our manufacturing; insourcing, offshoring and outsourcing of our jobs which they mandated; importing 3.1 million foreigners annually without pause for the past 40 years, which has created too many workers and not enough jobs, endless welfare programs for illiterate high school dropouts to live on forever, etc. Today, while Congressional critters enjoy wealth and privilege, we pay their bills and we eat the consequences.

At the same time, while Americans could vote them out of office, they re-elect most incumbents decade after decade. A senator must die before he finally vanishes from the halls of Congress, i.e., Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, Teddy Kennedy of Massachusetts, Strom Thurmond and at some point, John McCain of Arizona. You could name a dozen more career do-nothing senators that voters continued to vote into office long after the senators’ useful lives as to governing.

Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming, Co-Chair of Obama’s deficit commission, calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation, as he compared “Social Security” to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats.

I ran across a Montana ranch woman, Patty Myers who spoke directly to exactly what we see happening in Congress.

“Hey Alan, let’s get a few things straight!” she wrote to Simpson. “As a career politician, you have been on the public dole for fifty years. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 years (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).


Complete text linked here.

America Catering to Mexicans for Votes in Presidential Race by Frosty Wooldridge

Regular Americans flee California at breakneck speed. Where are they going? Into the interior of America! They flee to Idaho, Montana, Washington, Oregon, South Dakota, Colorado and Nevada. Imagine Americans fleeing to safer places in their own country because of a foreign nation’s citizens invading our country!

Do you notice how Romney and Obama hired special election gurus to garner the Mexican vote in the upcoming presidential election? They don’t address the black vote, the white vote or the American Hispanic vote. They connive for the Mexican vote.

A billboard exploded on the Los Angeles skyline two years ago by a local TV station: “Los Angeles, Mexico: Your Town, Your Community.”

It was spelled out in Spanish. CA was crossed out with a red X and replaced by the word “Mexico.” Two smiling Latinos representing over two million illegal aliens in the City of Angels smiled from their anchor desks. Behind them stood the LA skyline replete with skyscrapers. Most disconcerting was a statue, also in the billboard picture, that stands in the middle of Mexico City.

The Mexicanization of America, races, with total support from Barack Obama and his Congress, full speed across our country. La Raza, the most racist organization in the world, licks its chops as sheer numbers of illegal aliens have taken over Los Angeles. They’ve run Americans out of countless cities and communities. They’ve trashed school systems and bankrupted 86 hospitals. They’ve thrown trash throughout the park systems. They defy laws by not carrying car insurance, driver’s licenses, work off the books paying no taxes, brutalize our schools with their language, spread drugs, and more terrifying are the thousands of cases of TB and hepatitis they spread into Los Angeles. In other words, they’re bringing their Third World into our world.

La Raza’s motto is, “For the Latino race, everything; for anyone outside the race, nothing!” What is their prime directive? It is the ‘Reconquista of Aztlan’ or the retaking of our four border states back into the umbrella of Mexico.


Original source.