Category Archives: Europe

TOMMY EXCLUSIVE – Britain’s biggest day (Video)

Britain’s BIGGEST day – Join me along with Tommy and Richard from 8pm on Tuesday evening as we look ahead to SATURDAY 27th in London

Moment vile hate preacher Anjem Choudary is arrested for masterminding outlawed terror ring (Video)

HATE preacher Anjem Choudary is facing a life sentence after being found guilty today of masterminding an outlawed group. The 57-year-old is the first-ever Brit to be convicted for membership of the extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun(ALM) under Britain’s anti-terror laws.

The unusual types of attack, some of them lethal, carried out by foreigners in Britain (Video)

After a Nigerian is charged with the attack on the soldier in Kent, we look at some bizarre and unusual offences committed in this country by people who were not born here. The Lincolnshire town of Boston is of particular interest in this respect.

Fine Gael and the Blueshirts | 1933 – 1934 | The Emergency – E03 (Video)

Following the Civil War and in the absence of a meaningful opposition, Cumann na nGaedheal dominated Irish politics. In this time they also allowed the party to stagnate and had become overconfident that their record in government would secure reelection in 1932; instead de Valera’s Fianna Fáil took office and they increased their grip on power in 1933. Driven by fear and a desire to return to government, Cumann na nGaedheal merged with the smaller National Centre Party in 1933 to form Fine Gael. But for leadership of this new party they turned to the National Guard, a shirted movement led by the popular and charismatic Eoin O’Duffy.

Conor McGregor SLAMS Irish Government ! (Video)

Strength lies not in defense but in attack.

Germany Start Closing Down Islamic Mosques (Video)

Mahyar Tousi TV

Immigration to Britain is a giant Ponzi scheme (Video)

Nobody likes to talk about the real nature of immigration to this country

Victor Davis Hanson: Something Colossal is Happening in Europe… (Video)

Why are long-standing cultural stereotypes and economic disparities tearing apart the European Union? Victor Davis Hanson delves into the historical and social complexities that shape today’s European landscape, drawing unsettling parallels to the past.

A major London museum literally erases the history of straight, white, Christian, English families (Video)

The Museum of the Home, formerly the Geffrey Museum, has decided that only the history of immigrants is important and has removed any reference to ordinary white, English, Christian families over the last two hundred years.

France Stunned By Voting FRAUD? (Video)

Botched Vote In French Parliament Sparks Fraud Claims