One wonders: Can GOP consultants do math?

No one could possibly guess it from the TV talk or coverage by the daily press corps, but the Republican Party stands today at the threshold of historic political victories.
The forces pushing things in this direction are so strong that the permanent campaign of Barack Obama, the public sector unions and the like can’t prevail against them. The liberals this time are on the wrong side of history, and there is little they can do on their own to change the almost certain downfall that awaits them.
However, nothing in politics is absolutely certain, and there is an X factor in the equation that could keep the GOP from a victorious future.
This barrier, ironically, is the party’s own alleged leadership in the Republican National Committee, a swarm of GOP “consultants”, and top echelons of Congress — where the preferred mode of battle appears to be piecemeal surrender.
According to the recent RNC “autopsy” of the 2012 election, and other establishmentarian voices, what Republicans need to do to win is to be more like the Democratic opposition.
This is a siren song we’ve been hearing since the days of Nelson Rockefeller and John Lindsay, much used by opponents of Ronald Reagan. It was wrong then, and is equally wrong today.
In the current version of this tactic, the main issue being stressed is amnesty (by whatever name) for 10 to 20 million illegal aliens, as a supposed way of attracting Hispanic voters.
Complete text linked here.