Category Archives: Hidden History

1973 New Orleans Sniper – Mark Essex – Forgotten History (Video)

Mass murders, in particular mass shooters are nothing new to the American landscape. All of these episodes have commonalities, but there are also some major differences, such as political, racial and strictly personal motivations. Most mass shooters leave behind a written trail for their motives, such as letters or a manifesto. A few mass shooters have accomplices who share their twisted viewpoints. Let’s examine one of the earliest mass shooters, Mark Essex. Written and hosted by Colin D. Heaton. Forgotten History is a 10th Legion Pictures Production.

Sweden and the Khmer Rouge: The Unspoken History (Video)

This video examines the relationship between Swedish activists and the Khmer Rouge regime (1975–1979). Drawing on historical analysis, news sources, and personal accounts, it explores Sweden’s role in the atrocities committed during the Cambodian genocide and their lasting impact, with the aim of educating and raising awareness.

McCain and Israel’s Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty (Video)

2008 Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader discusses John McCain and Israel’s bombing in the U.S.S. Liberty. From The Forum Auditorium, Cleveland, Ohio, October 30, 2008.

The History of the Khazars Documentary- Episode 2: Arab & Khazar Wars in the Caucasus

In this episode we will discuss the Arab wars with the Khazars in the 7th and 8th centuries and the rise of Roman Emperor Justinian II. These wars ended with the Muslims forcing the Khazars to convert to Islam around 737AD, but the nomadic Turks only converted to Islam by mouth and not by action. Seven years later around 744AD the Khazar Khaganate converted to Judaism but we will discuss that in episode 3. This episode only covers the series of battles that took place between the two groups.

16th November 1793: Mass drownings begin in Nantes during the French Revolution’s Reign of Terror (Video)

The Reign of Terror had officially begun in September 1793, and saw revolutionary leaders adopt a series of violent measures to suppress perceived enemies. The city of Nantes had been a centre of resistance against the revolutionary government due to its strong ties to the Catholic Church and support for the monarchy. Resistance intensified during the counter-revolutionary uprisings in the Vendée region, where Royalist forces fought against the revolutionary army.

The History of the Khazars Documentary- Episode 1: Their Rise, The Huns & The Gokturks

I first began studying the Khazars in 2021 when I heard about their controversial conversion to Judaism. As I was researching the Khazars, I noticed the hostility surrounding the subject, which made me even more interested. I took note of how people were verbally attacked or publicly condemned for even assuming anything about the Khazars.

The Suez affair-The secret pact (Video)

In 1956, following the nationalization of the Suez Canal, the French, British and Israelis decided to launch major action against Egypt and especially against Nasser. This tripartite decision resulted in what we usually call The Suez Affair. While on October 22, the French committed the first hijacking of the century by boarding the plane carrying Algerian leader Ben Bella and the next day the Budapest uprising broke out, a secret meeting began in an isolated villa in Sèvres, France. Attended among others: Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Shimon Péres, Bourgès-Monoury, General Challe, Selwyn Lloyd.

Why Are Most Men From Ancient Egypt Depicted Bald? (Video)

I wonder why so many men in ancient Egyptian murals are depicted being bald, why were they bald? And were all the men in Ancient Egypt truly clean shaven or are these depictions not based on reality?

What Happened To All The Egyptian Mummies? (Video)

Why are there so few mummies left? The answer to this question is a lot more dark and disturbing than you’d expect. It’s estimated that more than 70 million people were mummified over the 3000 year time period where mummification was carried out in Egypt. So this begs the question, where are all these mummies? Because apparently, in modern times, mummies seem to be quite rare.

The Frankfurt School: Politics of Perversion (Video)

Critique of Marcuse’s theory of “eros” and politics, in relation to “woke” culture’s love of ugliness (emphasizing Marcuse’s overlap with Adorno).