Category Archives: Business

Elon Going To TEXAS Due To CRAZY CA Law (Video)

Lauren Chen

Retired John Deere employee on mass layoffs: ‘It’s going to be devastating’ (Video)

Retired John Deere employee Chris Laursen reacts to the company peeling off jobs amid production shift to Mexico on ‘The Bottom Line.’

Corporations Control Our Governments: Here’s How | Aaron Bastani meets Matt Kennard | Downstream (Video)

Most of you will agree that corporations have undue influence over our democracies, but exactly how this influence is exerted is tricky to illustrate – and that is by design. Behind innocuous sounding acronyms and worthy sounding trade agreements are the real cogs that allow the global corporate machine to corrupt societies and our guest this week, Matt Kennard, has spent the last two years investigating these shady entities. In his new book, ‘Silent Coup’, he and co-author Claire Provost give us shocking examples of how corporations exert, expand and consolidate control over the lives of practically everyone.

Walgreens Shuts Over 2,000 Stores As Biden Inflation DESTROYING Economy, Democrats DENY CRISIS (Video)


Selling the Royal Mail to a foreign millionaire; what is going on? (Video)

For some inexplicable reason, our steel industry and even the British postal service have all been, or are in the process of being, sold to Chinese men or Czechs.

80% of American’s Can’t Afford Fast Food | McDonalds Leaving CA (Video)

Major Crisis Ahead

California Begins Plan to Bankrupt ALL Businesses (Video)

What California is Doing is Coming to NYC and Other Places – Pay Attention

Disney Shareholder Report: Damn Near Criminal (Video)

Disney has spent enormous amounts of time and money in order to ruin what was arguably the most beloved brand in the history of entertainment. Now Steve Green brings us a report that Disney not only miraculously managed to LOSE MONEY on STAR WARS: they also shaded the numbers in their financial reports.

Rumble SUES Google For $1 BILLION Over Lost Ad Revenue, Says Google & YouTube Are A Monopoly (Video)

Timcast IRL

Exposing the Dark Side of Amazon (Video)

What’s it like to work for Jeff Bezos? Here’s an account from someone who sells for him.