Category Archives: Lou Dobbs

BOOM! GOP Rep. Jim Jordan: I Think We Have Proof FBI Worked Against Republican Party During Election (Video)

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) dropped this bomb on Lou Dobbs on Wednesday. This was after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s testimony today before the House Judiciary Committee.

BOOM! GOP Rep. Jim Jordan: I Think We Have Proof FBI Worked Against Republican Party During Election (Video)
by Jim Hoft 67 Comments

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Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) dropped this bomb on Lou Dobbs on Wednesday.
This was after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s testimony today before the House Judiciary Committee.

Jordan joined Lou Dobbs after grilling Rosenstein earlier in the day.

Rep. Jim Jordan: Listen you can’t make this stuff up. It gets worse each and every day… What deep down scares me, if this actually happened the FBI had a concerted effort with the people at the top to go after one party’s nominee to help the other party’s nominee. If that actually happened in the United States of America and everything each and every day points to more and more likely that that is what took place, it is sad for our country if that took place. And I think it did based on everything I am seeing. All the evidence points to that.


Complete text and additional video linked here.

Judicial Watch Chief of Investigations: US Is Becoming Failed State – Entire Justice Department is Compromised (Video)

This is evidence that we are becoming a failed state. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that. When the entire Justice Department is paralyzed. When the entire Justice Department is compromised when there is no investigations. There’s these make-believe congressional hearings that are nothing more than soundbites..

Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch Director of Investigations, joined Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the Deep State scandals consuming Congress, the Secret Service and the Department of Justice.

Chris Farrell: It’s really a giant Socialist organ operating that protests itself. Offense after offense and you find laws are for the little people. The Clinton gang walks away. People say, “Hey where’s the Department of Justice investigation? Where’s the FBI?” Half the time they’re complicit… The people with direct firsthand knowledge, they’re the ones who kept their mouths shut for years…

Original source.

Ann Coulter on the Lou Dobbs Show (Video)

Ann Coulter talking with Lou Dobbs on Monday evening 4/10/17.

Few Thoughts Now On Hillary Clinton. The Audacity. Capacity For Corruption – Lou Dobbs’ Commentary

Hillary Clinton Is Recruiting Illegal Immigrants For New Voter Registration Drive It’s Called “mi Sueno, Voto/ My Dream, You Vote.

Graphic Quotes: Lou Dobbs on the GOP Establishment Ruining the Country w/Video

“The average American understands clearly you’ve screwed up this country, messed up the economy, screwed up their lives, and very likely the lives of their children. They quite reasonably see you, the establishment, as the problem in this country, not Donald J. Trump, not Ted Cruz, not Dr. Ben Carson.” Lou Dobbs


The media says Trump can’t say ‘anchor baby?’ (Video)

FBN’s Lou Dobbs on the media criticizing Republicans for using terms to describe illegal immigrants.

Click here to watch the video.

Ann Coulter Plays ‘GOP Survivor’ – Cuts the Field Down to Five (Video)

Ann Coulter is ready to cut the size of the large GOP field down to five, “I’m just suggesting we start voting them off the island.” Who makes the cut in Coulter’s version of ‘GOP Survivor? Ann shares her thoughts on the first Republican debate with Fox Business host Lou Dobbs.

Ann Coulter talks immigration, Trump’s 2016 bid (Video)

“He (Donald Trump) will be president before the RNC recognizes him as one of our own. What I want to know, I want these other candidates, Rubio and Jeb Bush to be asked ‘are you going to run a third party candidacy if Trump gets the nomination?’ Why is he the only one asked that? He’s winning!”

Original source.

Coulter: Trump’s Candidacy ‘Divides the Elites From the People’ More Than Anything I’ve Seen (Video)

“So, even if you like the idea of living in a place like California — I mean, besides the beautiful beaches out here — that is one-party state, and America too is going to be a one-party state. Even if you want total hegemonic control of politics by the Democrats, the country is changing in other ways, where these cultures are changing us. We are not changing them.”

Columnist and author of “Adios, America,” Ann Coulter stated of Donald Trump’s candidacy, “I’ve never seen an issue that divides the elites from the people so much” on Friday’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network.

Coulter said, “Well, for one thing I understand the FBI was following this family, we know they were following the Tsarnaev brothers, the Boston bombers. So, I’m thinking a better idea, instead of taxpayers supporting the FBI to follow all these people we’re bringing in, and putting in American neighborhoods in the country. Why don’t we just not bring them in so we don’t have to pay the FBI to follow them? I mean, these are all legal immigrants.”

She added, “you would think this would have occurred to Republicans a little sooner, looking at it from a purely partisan perspective. The post-1970 immigrants, the ones brought in by Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act, not only are far poorer than native-born Americans, and much more likely to access government services, but they’re voting 8 to 2 for the Democrats. If they were voting 8 to 2 for the Republicans, I promise you, Chuck Schumer would on the border with the Minutemen.” And “Obama would not have been elected at all, but for the post-1970 immigrants. So, what is going on with these Republicans, Lou? I mean, for their own political survival, is their position the same as the Chamber of Commerce? ‘Oh well, screw the country. I only have a few more years in politics anyway?’ Or ‘I’ll make my pile, and so much for America?’ It seems to be.”


Complete text linked here.

Gohmert: ‘Political Correctness’ Behind 3,000 Troops Sent to Africa Who Can Bring Ebola to US (Video)

Wednesday night on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) slammed President Barack Obama’s “political correctness” for being behind his decision to send troops to Africa to address Ebola rather than closing down travel to the infected areas.

Gohmert said, “Political correctness a it’s getting military members killed. This is the heart of the problem and also, by the way, the same kind of idea putting the military into where they could get Ebola. They are not trained to catch it. They are trained to kill the people that want to kill us. The president’s priorities are all mixed up. All you have to do is shut down traffic where there are high risk of Ebola, but political correctness will get us killed in many of these areas.”

Video linked here at original source.