Category Archives: Education

Libs of TikTok: Exposing Trans Ideology & Grooming in Schools (Video)

With more than 3.2 million followers, Libs of TikTok amplifies content uploaded by radical leftists and activists. Her work has been instrumental in the exposure and removal of inappropriate material and teachers from schools. She has also been subject to heavy attack and censorship from the mainstream media and big tech establishments.

This Is Why We Need To Abandon The Public School System (Video)

The head of the largest teachers union in the country gave a speech that was equal parts unhinged and meaningless.

CSU awards student scholarships for promoting ‘antiracism’ and ‘Black excellence’ (Video)

On June 12, a public university system in California awarded the inaugural Black Student Success Scholarship to six students for their work in advancing ‘antiracism’ and ‘Black excellence.’

On June 12, a public university system in California awarded the inaugural Black Student Success Scholarship to six students for their work in advancing ‘antiracism’ and ‘Black excellence.’

“Scholars were selected for demonstrating leadership in increasing equitable access to higher education and undertaking community service that promotes antiracism work and culture change to elevate Black excellence,” a California State University (CSU) press release says. CSU is composed of 23 campuses throughout the state.

Each of the six recipients, who go to different CSU schools, will receive $5,000 for the upcoming academic year. “This scholarship is not just an investment in my education, but in the larger vision of equity and justice for the voices I hope to represent,” Sonoma State University recipient Asad Franklin said.


Complete text linked here.

Britain’s Open University operates on an apartheid model of racial discrimination (Video)

The Open University is certainly open about its racial discrimination in favour of black students.

Victor Davis Hanson: The Truth About Diversity and Anti-White Sentiment in Universities (Video)

This is the Victor Davis Hanson Show. Victor is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College. Victor’s co-host for 2 podcasts is Jack Fowler. He is the Director for the Center for Civil Society at American Philanthropic. Victor and Jack discuss current political and social events and ideas, and current and past cultural trends. Victor also is joined by Sami Winc on 2 podcasts as they discuss current national news, what’s trending in California, and how history repeats itself.

Andrew Gutmann – Unsafe with Ann Coulter (Video)

Ann talks to Andrew Gutmann, who set the woke private school world on its ear and is now running for Congress in Florida.

Chapter 1: The Education Illuminati

An introduction to a secretive, national coalition of radical activists called the Partnership for the Future of Learning

There is a secret society operating across the country that has been very successful at transforming and remodeling public education over the past 10 years. These self-appointed saviors of society have taken it upon themselves to determine what is right and what is wrong with our country, and they are at the root of nearly every education-related controversy including:

  • Critical Race Theory and its journey from “it’s only in law schools” to “we need it to teach real history”
  • COVID-19 lockdowns, funding, and “stop saying learning loss!”
  • School Choice and voucher programs are racist
  • Parental Rights is anti-LGBTQ+
  • Speaking out at school board meetings = domestic terrorism
  • Identity, belonging, mental health, Social Emotional Learning, Restorative Justice, student voice, data collection & surveys, anti-racism, anti-bias, and that whole equity thing

I think we need to give them credit though. First off, they are extremely well funded, focused, organized, and connected. They’ve also been operating since 2015 and this is very likely the first time you’ve heard about them: the Partnership for the Future of Learning, or as I prefer to call them, the EdIlluminati.1 I’m not suggesting these radical activists in the Partnership for the Future of Learning are actually in the Illuminati. However, as the EdIlluminati are revealed, I think you will understand and appreciate the analogy.


Complete text linked here.

The Public School System Is Covering Up A Massive Sex Abuse Scandal (Video)

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, several more public school teachers have been arrested this month for sexually abusing their students. This is part of a massive, decades-long abuse epidemic that has claimed millions of victims; yet, somehow, it still isn’t treated as a major scandal. Also, a man in DC fires an AR-15 at a car in the middle of his neighborhood. He’s already back on the street. Hunger strikers at Princeton claim it’s unfair that their hunger strike has made them hungry. And a liberal punk rock band has put out a cringy song that proves why punk rock is dead.

The Presidential Election, Failing Higher Education and The End of Everything | Victor Davis Hanson (Video)

Professor Hanson joins John to discuss his new book The End of Everything, as well as the considerable unrest across America in the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election. They unpack the recent turmoil in higher education, and its aggravation due to the unchecked left-wing ideology of those in leadership. They also discuss the unassailable appeal of Trump among Republican voters due to his outsider status and combative persona.

Prof. John Mearsheimer : Genocide, Free Speech, and Academia (Video)

Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom