Category Archives: Jan Morgan

Jan Morgan: These anti-Trump protests are good for America (Video)

“These protests are good for America…. Any time law abiding Americans see these anarchist thugs rioting, not peaceful protesting, vandalizing, destroying property, throwing things at people and hindering free speech, IT GETS GOOD AMERICANS OFF THEIR COUCHES and in to the voting booth because they are sick of seeing this crap.”

Original source.

Top NRA Member Withdraws Ted Cruz Endorsement After Trump Comment

Ted Cruz blaming Trump for the violent actions of thugs (suggesting Trump’s speech is provocative) ….. is like blaming a rape victim for the violent actions of her rapist (because her dress is provocative.)

Jan Morgan, who is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment Advocate/Speaker/ NRA Certified Firearms Instructor announced on Facebook that she is withdrawing her endorsement of Ted Cruz after he sided with the Chicago mob. She is now supporting Donald Trump:

Complete text linked here.

Strike 3 for Doc Carson by Jan Morgan

“Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and Reverend Wright are 3 people NO ONE seeking the office of President, should have ANY association with in any fashion.”

Dr. Ben Carson, on Fox News tonight said he and Al Sharpton have the same goal.

Carson on Fox: “Mr. Sharpton and I have the same goal: to build a brighter, stronger America that provides equal opportunities and access to the underserved and forgotten. ” (end quote)

Only an idiot would truly believe that Al Sharpton has the goal to build a brighter, stronger America that provides equal opportunities and access to the underserved and forgotten.

Al Sharpton is about himself. period.

He has exploited black people and race for the advancement of his own personal exposure at a great expense to our country and race relations.


Complete text linked here.