Category Archives: Canada

‘Canada First’ leader on growing opposition to mass immigration (Video)

‘People need to get loud about mass immigration. It is the biggest issue facing our country right now,’ Canadian hockey dad Joe Anidjar told Rebel News.

Canada Is Becoming A COMMUNIST HELLHOLE: Kat Kanada Interview | Lauren Southern (Video)

Kat Kanada fled Soviet Moldova with her parents as the USSR was collapsing. Now, she sees many of the USSR’s issues occurring today in Canada. In this interview, Kat compares the brutal state of the country she fled with the declining west.

How Indian Scams Will Be The End of Canada | Lauren Southern (Video)

Immigration to Canada is at a record high and Canadians are now overwhelmingly turning their backs on the liberal policies that allowed it. Justin Trudeau’s approval rating is at an all time low and his voters are deserting him. Here’s Lauren Southern’s take on the issue:

My Home Town’s Been Destroyed | Lauren Southern (Video)

Lauren Southern returned home to Surrey, BC, to find it unrecognizable. Lauren investigates what exactly happened and how major corporations, like Tim Hortons, have contributed to the decline of towns just like Surrey.

Canadian Media IS ALL LIES, State Run Media SHUTS DOWN Conservative Voices (Video)

Tim Pool

PIPELINE WARS (2024) | Lauren Southern Official Documentary

Pipeline Wars follows Lauren Southern, as she attempts to shed light on the murky world behind the protests to the construction of the CGL natural gas pipeline in Smithers, British Columbia. Lauren delves into the fight between government, industry, and environmental advocacy, that hits the lives of ordinary citizens, caught in the crossfire.

Canada: The IMPLODING Meme Nation (Video)

Black Pigeon Speaks

Canada Has JUST Fallen | Warning to America (Video)


Trudeau’s Dystopia: How the Woke Conquered Canada. (Prof. Eric Kaufmann) – Video

Prof. Eric Kaufmann of the University of Buckingham, where he teaches the world’s first course on “woke”, explains how his native Canada became the capital of woke.

Native Syndicate: Saskatchewan’s Most DOMINANT Street Gang (Video)

The Native Syndicate is a mainly aboriginal gang from Saskatchewan Canada. They operate in areas such as Regina and Canada’s notorious North Central Neighbourhood with an iron fist. This video also talks about the Indian Posse, Manitoba Warriors, Hells Angels, MOB (Most Organized Brothers), White Boy Posse, Redd Alert and more!