So why do our politicians sit and twiddle their thumbs? Why do they aid and abet by doing nothing? Can’t they see what’s happening to California? Texas? Arizona? The answer in a nutshell: No!

America faces the most critical juncture in its 244-year history. This entire BLM and Antifa anarchy must be stopped, or they will continue to be emboldened while our law enforcement and elected officials enable them to continue burning, looting and killing cops. Indolent Americans sit on their Lazy Boy recliners wielding a remote while their country fractures before their eyes. It’s been slow for the past 30 years, but it’s quickening in every sector of our country.
Have you noticed more and more people speaking different languages at the supermarket? Schools? Movies? At your local bank? Have you noticed radio stations and TV crackling with Spanish or other languages in our English-speaking America? Have you seen more people disrespecting the singing of our national anthem? Have you noticed our laws being broken such as red lights being run or people fleeing accident scenes where they were the cause? Have you noticed more trash in your state and national parks, especially in California, Arizona, Texas and Georgia?