Schumer: We’ll Have Amnesty in 2014 Thanks to Liberal Republicans

Ever the happy warrior of the left, Sen. Chuck Schumer is not giving up on his pipe dream: amnesty for illegal aliens in 2014.

ppearing on MSNBC on Monday, Schumer said he thinks it still can happen this year thanks to a group of liberal Republicans—what he thinks is the majority of Republicans—who will stand by silently, letting amnesty pass while voting against it in the end. He called it the “vote-no, pray-yes caucus,” meaning that certain Republicans would publicly claim they are against amnesty, vote against it in the end, but behind the scenes either fight for its passage or let it sail through Congress.

“Most people are for immigration reform,” Schumer said on MSNBC. “Most Republicans, they’re in the vote-no, pray-yes caucus, they want it to pass as long as they don’t have to vote for it,” he said on MSNBC. “I still think we have a chance to pass it this year.”

Schumer even added that he thinks the “vote-no, pray-yes” Republicans will lose the 2016 election if they don’t grant amnesty to illegal aliens, and that they won’t do so in 2015.


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