Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz Condemn ‘Tasteless and Undignified’ Breitbart California Viral Art

Two of the most powerful Democrats in Congress blasted Breitbart News on Monday as “offensive” over an article published highlighting street art inspired by Andrew Breitbart that included a photoshop of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s face on the body of Miley Cyrus in her infamous MTV VMA performance.

Pelosi (D-CA) said the artwork was “tasteless,” and Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) declared it was “disrespectful to all women.”

“So tasteless, that… I mean, is it even worthy of a question,” Pelosi said, according to the Washington Post.” It’s so undignified.”

The DNC Chair earlier in the day demanded the Republican National Committee “not continue to use this website as a forum for their views.”

“To say the least, the Breitbart news ad is foul, offensive, and disrespectful to all woman,” Wasserman Schultz said in a statement. “It is a disgusting new low and would be reprehensible against any woman – regardless of party.”


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