Secret Emails: Pro-Immigration Reform Consultants, Think Tanks Testify Through Grover Norquist

In addition to the emails showing Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) working with the libertarian Cato Institute and pro-Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) to shape pro-immigraiton reform messages in the wake of the Boston terror attack, additional emails obtained exclusively by Breitbart News suggest the two think tank groups are working closely together to push the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” immigration bill through Congress.

On Thursday afternoon at 5:19 p.m., Josh Culling, the state government affairs manager at ATR, wrote to consultant Peggy Ellis, the former director of government affairs at the Cato Institute, asking for help in crafting Norquist’s congressional testimony on immigration on Monday.

“I need to push on this…this is the one question GGN [Grover Glenn Norquist] may get when testifying that I don’t have a strong answer to,” Culling wrote to Ellis in an email headlined “Social security.” “Can you see if your old boss at Cato can help?”

Norquist is scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday as part of a marathon of at least 20 witnesses that the committee’s chairman, Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT), is rushing in one day. Leahy declined to hear the witnesses over several hearings, which might have allowed the public, the press and the members of the committee more time to debate their testimony.

On Thursday evening, Ellis responded to Culling that she would be pleased to help craft Norquist’s testimony before Congress. “Will do–please send the AEI guy’s piece,” Ellis wrote. “And DeMint’s if you have it handy. And I’m happy to help w Grover’s testimony. Around this weekend and available–will work on n [sic] the SS stuff first.”


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