Glenn: “After what I have learned this week I’m a changed person.”

We’ve had a press all week that has been celebrating the idea that this might have been a Tea Party person that wanted to perpetrate this crime. Now never before in my history have in my history of broadcast, in my history as an American, have I ever heard the press gleefully wish that they want an American to be responsible for an American tragedy.

Just a few minutes ago our jib operator Justin came up to me. He said, ‘Glenn, out of all of the things you’ve covered in your life where does this fit in importance? And I said ‘Most people are going to think this is maybe 20 or 50.’ In the last 50 years this is we’ve had the Watts Riots, and the death of the Martin Luther King and the things that I have covered in the last 40 years, I would say this is top five. Maybe number 2. And possibly number one in importance. Number one, is clearly the World Trade Center bombing.

I want you to listen to me carefully for the next 20 minutes.This is very, very important. What we do going forward from here will determine the fate of our nation. Make no mistake. This story is number 2 because of what I know. What we do will make this the most important story of our lifetime. What’s happening now is very important. What happens in the aftermath will make it the most important, because it will either save our country or we will be done.

We’ve had a press all week that has been celebrating the idea that this might have been a Tea Party person that wanted to perpetrate this crime. Now never before in my history have in my history of broadcast, in my history as an American, have I ever heard the press gleefully wish that they want an American to be responsible for an American tragedy.


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