Actresses Scarlett Johansson, Eva Longoria, and Kerry Washington will soon be on television screens in Virginia and Colorado trying to scare women into believing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will “redefine rape” and “force women to undergo invasive ultrasounds.”
It ain’t pretty – or accurate.
The actresses teamed up with left-wing to cut a commercial that is targeted at women voters in the two swing states which are trending toward Romney. The commercial will air on shows with predominantly female audiences.
Rob Reiner, who directed the commercial, said Romney and Ryan would “eviscerate women’s rights” if elected.
“We’d be talking about getting rid of abortion, birth control, access to health care screenings,” Reiner said. “As a husband, son, and father, I can’t stand by and let this happen.”
In 2008, Hollywood ardently sold Obama’s vision of “hope and change.” Four years later, the entertainment industry has resorted to playing along with Obama’s false and divisive “War on Women” campaign because even Hollywood cannot sell America on Obama’s failed record and lack of accomplishments.