This past week, DC media and political luminaries came together at the Newseum in Washington, DC to celebrate the life of Andrew Breitbart.
Speakers included Representatives Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Steve King (R-IA) and Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI); as well as Citizens United’s David Bossie, National Review’s Jonah Goldberg, conservative activist Sonnie Johnson, and CEO Larry Solov. Also in attendance were Representatives Mike Pence (R-IN) and Jeff Fortenberry (NE).
The program lasted a little over an hour, and was filled with deeply moving and personal accounts of Andrew, to whom Congressman Louie Gohmert so aptly and eloquently attributed the following trait: “Testicular Titanium.”
There were common themes throughout the evening: Andrew’s jovial and larger-than-life personality; his innate ability to connect with people, and to connect those people with others; and, most importantly, the passion and love he exhibited for his family, friends, and colleagues. All the speakers shared a profound commitment to continue Andrew’s work, and issued a challenge to those in the audience to do the same.
Congressman Gohmert put it this way:
The greatest memorial that could ever be constructed for Andrew Breitbart is what we do from here. It can’t just be lip service. We go after truth. We go after bullies. We set the record straight.