While some progressives are disappointed in President Obama, Van Jones said he still “loves” him. “I do not want a Tea Party president,” he said. But Obama’s re-election “won’t be enough,” Jones said. “You’ve got to re-energize the movements.”
Van Jones started out as a political outsider, turned briefly into a political insider — in the White House, no less — and is now back to his roots.
“I’m doing what I’ve always done,” Jones said during a book tour interview. “Fight for justice.”
After resigning his post as a presidential adviser in 2009 amid criticism from conservative activists, Jones is organizing, speaking, and writing on behalf of efforts to “re-energize” the base supporters who backed President Obama’s election in 2008.
His new book, to be released Tuesday, is called Rebuild The Dream, which is also the name of a “strategy and action center” that Jones founded in 2011.
The book is more political prescription than memoir, but Jones does write about his brief 2009 tenure as special adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise, and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality.