Category Archives: General News

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No U.S. Locations in TIME’s ‘Best Places to Live’

TIME has published a year-end top ten best and worst places in the world to live. Sadly, there isn’t a single place in the U.S.A. on that list.

The worst place to live on this list is, unsurprisingly, the disaster-prone (both man-made and natural-made) country of Haiti. Neither Yemen nor Iraq fare much better than Haiti. The rest of the top ten worst list is filled out with African nations—again, unsurprisingly.

But it’s the best-places list that disappoints the red, white, and blue. Not one of author Regina Wang’s “best places” are in the good ol’ U. S. of A.

The “Best Quality of Living” list is:

Vienna, Austria
Zurich, Switzerland
Auckland, New Zealand
Munich, Germany
Vancouver, Canada
Dusseldorf, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany
Geneva, Switzerland
Copenhagen, Denmark
Bern, Switzerland

What is the deal? Why does this list diss the United States? In fact, the USA doesn’t even appear in the top 25 best places.


Complete text linked here.

Gallup: 60% of Americans Don’t Trust Mainstream Media

Gallup is out this morning with a new poll that contains a damning indictment of the mainstream media. 60% of Americans, an all-time high, do not trust the mass media to accurately or fairly report the news. Mind you, that isn’t 60% of Republicans or conservatives, but Americans, of all political persuasions.

From Gallup:

The record distrust in the media, based on a survey conducted Sept. 6-9, 2012, also means that negativity toward the media is at an all-time high for a presidential election year. This reflects the continuation of a pattern in which negativity increases every election year compared with the year prior. The current gap between negative and positive views — 20 percentage points — is by far the highest Gallup has recorded since it began regularly asking the question in the 1990s. Trust in the media was much higher, and more positive than negative, in the years prior to 2004 — as high as 72% when Gallup asked this question three times in the 1970s.

Last year, Gallup found that almost half of Americans (47%) believed the mainstream media had a liberal bias. Unsurprisingly, Republicans are the most distrustful of the media. Only 26% felt they could trust the media to accurately report the news. This is actually similar to levels registered in 2008.

The biggest shift is with Independents. Less than a third of Independents, 31%, felt they could trust the mass media. This represents a big drop from 2008.

As a result, only 39% of Americans say they very closely follow the mainstream media for news about national politics this election year. This, too, is a sharp drop from 2008.


Complete text linked here.

Donald Trump wants to build Florida movie studio

Commissioners voted unanimously to give the county attorney 90 days to study the proposal, the Herald reports. If the commission approves the findings, the county would have another 90 days to work out land deals and get a working contract.

Donald Trump arrives at the 2012 Miss USA pageant on June 3, 2012, in Las Vegas.

Donald Trump is looking to get into the movie business.

The real estate mogul and “Apprentice” host wants to build a film studio in South Florida, according to local reports.

At a meeting of the Miami-Dade County Commission on Tuesday, plans were unveiled for Trump Studio City, which would be built, in part, on county-owned land near the Homestead Air Reserve Base, the Miami Herald reports.

Trump didn’t attend, according to the Herald, but his lawyer Michael Cohen was there and reportedly told commissioners he envisioned the project bringing in thousands of new jobs and millions of dollars in revenue. He added that Trump Studio City would be twice the size of Universal Studios.

“It could inject as much at $262,000 in local revenue (a day),” Cohen told commissioners, according to CBS station WFOR in Miami. “The vision for this project is a massive studio city that would range in studio size from 25,000 square feet to 250,000 square feet. With 15-20 acre back lots that really handle any type of movie. Any type of television series that could ever be dreamed of.”


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Breitbart witness: He dropped like sack of bricks (Video)

A man who witnessed the collapse of conservative media icon Andrew Breitbart, the founder of and other sites, said he collapsed like a “sack of bricks” and died with a “thick white band” around his forehead.

The testimony comes from Christopher Lasseter, 26, who was walking his dog outside the Brentwood Restaurant and saw Breitbart leave the eatery, cross the street and fall to the ground on the opposite side of the street.

On assignment from WND, Los Angeles private investigator Paul Huebl found Lasseter Tuesday evening.

In a video provided to WND and posted on YouTube, Huebl filmed the inside of the Brentwood Restaurant, showing the bar where Breitbart was in conversation with a Los Angeles marketing executive and drank a glass of wine before leaving the restaurant to cross the street.

Standing at the site where Breitbart died, Huebl conducted a videotaped interview with Lasseter.

Lasseter reported he noticed a big thick band of blanched white skin around the top of Breitbart’s forehead, extending around the hairline to the back of Breitbart’s head, that “made me do a doubletake.”


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$823K Vegas Conf. Leads Agency Chief to Quit

The GSA, which manages and rents property for government agencies and obtains equipment and services, holds regional conferences for its staff. The acting administrator of Region 9, covering the western U.S., instructed planners to make the 2010 conference in Nevada “over the top,” bigger and better than previous events, according to the inspector general.

The head of the General Services Administration resigned after an inquiry found the U.S. agency had lavished $4-a-shrimp appetizers on employees and minted commemorative coins for a meeting at a Las Vegas area resort.

The $823,0000 conference in October 2010 at the M Resort Spa Casino in Henderson, Nevada, also involved a payment of $8,130 to print “yearbooks” for participants and $5 each for “Mini Monte Cristo sandwiches,” according to an investigation released yesterday by the agency’s inspector general.

“Reports of an internal conference in which taxpayer dollars were squandered led me to launch internal reviews, take disciplinary personnel action and institute tough new controls to ensure this incident is not repeated,” GSA chief Martha Johnson wrote in her resignation letter. “I feel I must step aside as administrator so that the agency can move forward at this time with a fresh leadership.”


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Eisenhower Grandkid Rips ‘Commie’ Monument

Susan Eisenhower testified before a congressional subcommittee that large metal tapestries depicting the 34th president’s home reminded her of Communist-era monuments that honored “Marx, Engels, and Lenin.”

Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, testifies on Capitol Hill before the House National Parks, Forest and Public Lands subcommittee.

The granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower is seeing red over a Washington proposal by renowned architect Frank Gehry to honor the late commander in chief. Susan Eisenhower testified before a congressional subcommittee that large metal tapestries depicting the 34th president’s home reminded her of Communist-era monuments that honored “Marx, Engels, and Lenin.” She also compared columns that would support the tapestries to “missile silos,” and then mentioned Mao, Ho Chi Minh—and also Hitler, because the scrims remind her of fences at Nazi death camps. The battle represents a long-simmering tug-of-war between modernists and those who support classical traditions, particularly in the nation’s capital.

Eisenhower, who represents the family, told the Eisenhower Memorial Commission to go back to the drawing board and start over, reports the Washington Post. “We now believe that a redesign is the only way to make this memorial acceptable to the American people,” she said. The proposed monument, planned for south of the Washington Mall, features a park bordered on three sides by metal tapestries hanging from 10 stone columns. Ground was to be broken later this year after the proposal won a greenlight from the Commission of Fine Arts. The design—along with the creep of modernism and anything avant garde— has become a key target of the small nonprofit National Civic Art Society, determined to bring “classical tradition to its rightful primacy in our nation’s capital,” according to its mission statement. Gehry said he welcomes a dialogue with the Eisenhower family, and is open to changes.


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Book Review: ‘The New Quislings’

Norway’s response to Breivik’s attacks was more multiculturalism, a good helping of militant anti-racism and broad hints that this free speech business may have gone too far. Serious critics of the country’s policies had been tarred by association with Breivik, and the voters provided the feathers.

n the morning of July 22, 2011, an explosion rocked the streets of Oslo. A car bomb parked close to the office of the prime minister went off, killing eight and injuring dozens. If that was the worst thing that had happened that day, Norwegians would have been lucky.

They weren’t, of course. After the explosion, a man dressed as a police officer came by ferry to the island of Utoya, about a half-hour west of Oslo. It is the site of the summer camp for a Labor Party youth organization, where the children of the folks who run the country learn and play. The man said he had come to safeguard them after the explosion, but he seemed sketchy and carried a huge gun that didn’t look at all like police issue. He quickly opened fire. He yelled “hurray!” and “bullseye!” and “got you!” as he killed 69 unarmed children and injured 66 more.

That man, we now know, was Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old “right-wing extremist” and a monster. Hours before the attacks, he emailed a “manifesto” to about 1,000 people that prints out to roughly 1,500 pages. The document draws extensively on outside material, quoting and plagiarizing freely. It spells out both the reason for and the method of the attacks. Breivik’s concerns were multiculturalism, Islam and “cultural Marxism.” Rather than attack Muslims, he decided to strike the root, by targeting the current and future sponsors of Norway’s policies.

This created a serious problem for Bruce Bawer, which he explores at length in his new e-book “The New Quislings: How the International Left Used the Oslo Massacre to Silence Debate About Islam.” It became clear rather quickly that Breivik had read deeply in the literature that criticizes unreconstructed Islam and multiculturalism in Europe and, moreover, that he had read Mr. Bawer’s writings. Breivik had been a regular commenter on a website about “immigration and related issues” called, which quickly collected all of his writings together for public consumption.


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Glenn Beck reflects on Andrew Breitbart: “We need more voices, not fewer voices” (Video)

“People try to make a big deal out of this ‘feud’ I had with Andrew. I didn’t have one with Andrew, he may have had one with me, but I didn’t have one with him. I tried to do what I felt was right, and if people disagree with me, they disagree with me,” Glenn said.

The shocking news of the passing of conservative new media legend Andrew Breitbart broke this morning while Glenn was on air.

“I’m sorry, but we’re a little stunned,” Glenn said upon hearing the news.

“We pray for his family, we pray for his children, and we pray that his mission to expose those who need to be exposed continues,” Glenn said later in the broadcast.

The death of Andrew Breitbart was first reported on his website,Big Government, which released a statement that said:

“Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles.
We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior.

Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.”


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Watters’ World Occupies Beverly Hills

The intrepid Jesse Watters hits Los Angeles to rub elbows with the “1%” and even finds a few O’Reilly Factor fans! How can you not love someone who will pay $17,000 for a yellow jacket?