Category Archives: General News

Breitbart News Launches ‘Breitbart London’ & ‘Breitbart Texas’ Verticals

Breitbart News launched two new verticals on Sunday—”Breitbart London” and “Breitbart Texas”—that are the first steps in a multi-year expansion effort that will bridge the gap between global and regional news at a time when the rise of anti-establishment forces in politics and new media are threatening the old political and media order.

James Delingpole, formerly of the Daily Telegraph, and Raheem Kassam, from, will lead Breitbart London, which will have a staff of 10 with 100 contributors already lined up to grow the site. Breitbart’s Brandon Darby will lead Breitbart Texas with a team of contributors that will cover immigration, crony capitalism, education, business, and the the impact the Tea Party is having in Texas politics.

“We look at London and Texas as two fronts in our current cultural and political war,” Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon said. “There is a growing global anti-establishment revolt against the permanent political class at home, and the global elites that influence them, which impacts everyone from Lubbock to London.”

Bannon said that Breitbart News is “determined to be the platform that reports on this movement every day in every region.”

Breitbart News President and CEO Larry Solov emphasized that the “anti-establishment approach of Breitbart News and its knack for reporting the truth that others don’t want to tell has captured a growing audience unconstrained by geographic borders.”


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Frozen in time: Michigan lighthouses transformed into stunning giant icicles after being frozen solid by storm

‘An event I look forward to very much’: Every year, Mr Zakowski makes the trip to St Joseph and South Haven after a big storm to capture the resulting scenes.

These frozen lighthouses in Michigan could easily be mistaken for a scene from the disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow.

Standing in temperatures well below freezing, the 30ft structures have been transformed into giant icicles.

These stunning photographs were captured by American photographer Thomas Zakowski, 56, on a trip to two cities in Michigan after a storm battered the state.

‘It looks like a stairway in many ways and added a quality to the scene you will never see again.’

Every year, Thomas makes the trip to St Joseph and South Haven, both cities in Michigan, after a big storm to capture the resulting scenes.


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Womp! This Country Was Named The Greatest Threat To World Peace

“Despite an unstable economic situation, our happiness index is extremely high all over the world except in Europe,” Jean-Marc Leger, President of WIN/Gallup International Association, said in a statement.

There’s really no way to sugarcoat it: The rest of world believes that the United States is the country that poses the greatest threat to world peace, beating out all challengers by a wide margin.

This is the conclusion of a massive world opinion poll conducted by Win/Gallup International and released at the close of 2013. The poll, which was first conducted in 1977, asked over 66,000 thousand people across 68 countries this year a variety of questions about the world, including which country they would most like to call home, whether or not the world is becoming a generally better place and which country poses the greatest threat to world peace.

The U.S. was voted the biggest threat by far, garnering 24 percent of the vote. Pakistan was a very distant second with 8 percent, followed by China (6 percent) and Afghanistan (5 percent).


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10 of the Biggest Winners and Losers of 2013

#6 – LOSER – America’s Middle Class: They can’t find jobs and can’t afford the rising cost of education. Now, they can’t pay for health insurance, either.

It has been quite a dramatic year. Here are the winners and losers:

#1 – WINNER – Megyn Kelly: She landed her own show, became the face of Fox News, and helped spur disastrous ratings for CNN and MSNBC.

#2 – LOSER – Anthony Weiner: Sexting scandal, Sydney Leathers, the NYC mayoral race…Need we say more?

#3 – WINNER – Ted Cruz: Sure, he made plenty of enemies, but his constituents absolutely adore him. His filibuster-style protest of Obamacare made him a household name.


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Countries warn citizens to avoid 16 U.S. cities

‘Stay away from the West Side and anywhere south of 59th Street’

Planning a trip abroad? It’s probably best to check out the State Department’s list of travel warnings for countries with unsafe political situations. At the moment, the State Department has issued travel warnings for 34 countries, from the Central African Republic and El Salvador to Iraq and North Korea.

Well, just as State warns Americans about dangerous places to travel, so too do foreign ministries in other countries — and some countries warn their citizens to avoid heading to certain cities in the U.S. France, in particular, warns travelers to be careful in a large number of specific cities.

Here’s what other countries, mostly France, say about American cities:

Boston: Avoid walking at night in Dorchester, Mattapan and Roxbury, and be wary of “petty crime” in Chinatown, the North End and Fenway.

New York: Be wary in Times Square and at the Statue of Liberty, and don’t go to Harlem, the Bronx or Central Park at night.

Washington: Northeast and Southeast should be avoided, and Union Station is dangerous at night. “Le quartier Anacostia n’est pas recommandable de jour comme de nuit.” Translation: Don’t go to Anacostia, day or night.

Baltimore: “Considered a dangerous city except downtown.”

Richmond: “Do not visit the city on foot.”


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MSNBC President Wants ‘Investigation’ Into Fox News’ ‘Impossible’ Ratings Gain

Megyn Kelly blew out Rachel Maddow in the key demo on Tuesday after losing to her the night before. “I have never seen it in all my years of cable,” says Phil Griffin.

Phil Griffin, president of MSNBC, says there’s something fishy about Tuesday’s ratings for the Fox News Channel, which were up significantly from a day earlier when Fox News debuted its new schedule. And he wants an investigation.

“Monday we had a really good day in the key demographic. On the night that Fox News debuted their three shows, we either tied or beat them in those hours,” Griffin said at a briefing, according to TVNewser.

“Tuesday — you guys should be doing some investigations; I have never seen it in all my years of cable — same overnight, same everything. And they doubled their ratings in a day? It is impossible.” Griffin continued, “I have never seen it. They did election-night numbers in the demo Tuesday.”

The Nielsen numbers Griffin refers to include MSNBC beating Fox News on Monday in the adults 25-54 demographic at 7 p.m. and tying Fox News at 10 p.m.

At 9 p.m. on Monday, MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show beat Fox News’ new The Kelly File, hosted by Megyn Kelly, by a slim 10,000 viewers in the key demo.


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Top 10 Countries with most beautiful Women

This subject is often talked about online. There has always been confusion in deciding which country has the most beautiful women. However, here we come with the top 10 countries that feature very beautiful women:

1. Latvia:

A small country in the Baltic States, this place is full of beautiful blonde ladies. Once a part of USSR, Latvia is independent now. In the streets of the Latvian capital, many beautiful women can be spotted wearing shorts and hot pants. They are known to be beautiful blondes. The accent of these women makes them even more attractive. The blonde parades are quite common in the city of Riga where blonde women take place in a parade in the city which is held for a noble cause. Undoubtedly, Latvia is a place with beauties. It stands tall in the first place in our list.

2. Sweden:

The women in this country are known for their strong personalities. They are marked by a tall height, slim body, blonde hair and blue eyes. Majority of the women in Sweden feature these attributes. They are considered to be the most beautiful women on earth with some explicit features. The friendly nature of these women attracts most of the men from world towards them. They are often addressed as goddesses by experts. There is no doubt in placing them at the second position of this list.


Complete list linked here.

Sales of Orwell’s ‘1984’ up over 6,000 percent after NSA news

A representative for Penguin, the novel’s publisher, said there’s clearly a link between the NSA news and the book’s surge in sales.

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Could revelations about the U.S. government’s massive surveillance program be sending people hunting for that classic novel about a nation under the oppressive rule of “Big Brother?”

Amazon has recorded a spike in sales of the George Orwell novel, “1984” in the wake of revelations about the National Security Agency’s data collection programs.

The centennial edition of the book ranked number 4 on the seller’s “movers and shakers list,” as of Tuesday afternoon. Book sales increased by more than 6,000 within the last 24 hours, jumping to the 123rd spot on book sales overall, from it’s spot at 7,636 the previous day.

The book, originally published in 1948, centers on a rebellious effort against totalitarianism and was meant to serve as a futuristic look into a government with overreaching powers.

Sales may have received a boost as the book has been referenced by politicians in relation to the news.


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Here are the ‘most dangerous’ countries in the world

Are you planning to take a trip abroad this summer? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but our Canadian friends to the north recommend you avoid vacationing in Iran or Afghanistan.

Ok, that’s a no-brainer. But what other countries around the world are considered unsafe for travelers?

Here’s Canada’s world view:

Apparently our so-called “gun culture” isn’t enough to scare away the Canadians, eh?

Original source.

Here Are the 10 Freest States in the U.S. (And the Least)

So with a better understanding of the criteria used to measure personal and economic freedom (and with a better idea of what they mean when they use the word “freedom”), here are the top 10 “freest” states in the U.S., according to “Freedom in the 50 States”:

10. Utah

9. Georgia

8. Virginia

7. Missouri

6. Idaho

Complete list linked here with full article.