Buchanan: Executive Amnesty Is “Beginning Of The End Of The US As One Nation” (Audio)

Buchanan thought dismay on the issue of immigration could give rise to an American version of the United Kingdom Indepedence Party (UKIP), a right-leaning party that takes a hard line stance on immigration, including breaking away from the European Union (EU). While UKIP has won several seats in the European Parliament, only recently have they won their first seats in the House of Commons.

Appearing on The Laura Ingraham Show Monday, columnist and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan slammed both President Obama’s executive action on amnesty and Republicans’ leadership in combating the President’s action.

Buchanan said Monday that the Republican Party was “no unified party. I’m sure the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable and the others are saying ‘go ahead with the pro forma protest… but let it go.’”

“Secondly, others inside are saying, ‘there’s nothing really we can do because all Obama’s doing is ceasing to deport people he wasn’t deporting anyhow, and we don’t want to try to impeach him and we don’t want to shut down the government – both of those didn’t work.’

“So I think you’ve got a conflicted, confused Republican leadership already that Barack Obama knew that’s what would happen… and he went right at it.”


Complete text and audio linked here.

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