After You Read Ferguson Column Penned By Ivy League Prof., You’ll See Why It’s Being Called ‘Shameful’

Reacting to the grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, University of Pennsylvania religious studies professor Anthea Butler wrote that “this time, the blood shed in sacrifice to this god of white supremacy was Michael Brown’s.”

An Ivy League professor penned a column Tuesday in which she accused America of having a “racist God” that “requires black people’s blood to atone for the sins committed by its followers.”


“Darren Wilson, an agent of that god, was vindicated. For his reward, he is showered with blood money from other followers of the racist god,” Butler wrote.

“No one should be surprised that Darren Wilson was not indicted by the grand jury,” she continued. “Prosecutor Robert McCulloch played the role of Pontius Pilate, washing his and Darren Wilson’s hands of impunity, while the sacrifice, Michael Brown, was deemed worthy of death because in Wilson’s words ‘he look[ed] like a demon.’”

“Wilson even uses the sacred instrument to complete his sacrifice to the god of American Whiteness: the gun,” the Ivy League professor added.


Complete text linked here.

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