What Obama’s Ferguson sermon left out by Michelle Malkin

It’s part of a longstanding cultural war against cops that has permeated academia, Hollywood, media and “progressive” halls of power for decades — from the “pig”-hating Weather Underground to mainstream rappers to MSNBC’s Al Sharpton to high-ranking convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal’s advocates such as former Obama administration green jobs czar Van Jones.

In his 967-word statement to the nation about the Ferguson grand jury decision on Tuesday night, President Obama devoted precisely one sentence to the risks and sacrifices police officers make to keep the peace.


Obama delivered a tepid, obligatory acknowledgement that “our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day.” But he sandwiched it between a finger-wagging admonition that cops need to “show care and restraint” and a pandering discourse justifying the “deep distrust” that “communities of color” have toward law enforcement because of the “legacy of racial discrimination in this country.”


Complete text linked here.

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