Ivy League students hold Ferguson funeral for ‘black and brown victims’ of racism

Ivy League students held a mock funeral Friday afternoon mourning oppressed “black and brown bodies.” During the funeral, UPenn students spoke on a variety of issues ranging from American history to Palestine to immigration. The funeral was a part of “Ferguson Fridays” at UPenn which is a weekly demonstration by students protesting the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

Ivy League students held a “funeral” for those “murdered by structural racism and capitalism” Friday afternoon in anticipation of the forthcoming verdict in Ferguson, Mo.

As a part of Ferguson Fridays at the University of Pennsylvania, a couple dozen students gathered for a mock wake of “black and brown bodies” who have been oppressed in the world. The students–with both minorities and Caucasians in attendance–congregated in front of a casket to hear personal anecdotes and poems, according to an attendee at the event.

“Students Organizing for Unity and Liberation (SOUL) presents a funeral for those casualties of crimes against humanity,” the event programs read. “Black and brown bodies murdered by structural racism and capitalism both domestically and globally.”


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