How to escape from the insanity by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent declares, ‘Venison is the rocket fuel for the soul’.

Mindless, racist mob violence running amok in Ferguson, Missouri, a chronic lying president that just can’t help himself, overpaid tax-gouging punks condemning American voters as “too stupid” to make decisions on our own, an economic suicidal debt clock from hell, a government refusing to perform its No. 1 responsibility of securing our borders, a president threatening to again break the law that he admitted is breaking the law, an outgoing attorney general who gives cop killers a break, more terrorist attacks on unarmed and helpless innocents, another beheading by maniac voodoo devil freaks, a brave Canadian soldier murdered by another voodoo freak because his government didn’t trust him with ammunition for his “security” weapon, still no justice for the Fort Hood victims of terrorism, still no consequences for runaway IRS abuse of power, still no accountability for Fast and Furious high crimes by power-abusing scammers at the top, still no accountability for Benghazi, the ongoing “all of the above” energy policy lie as the coal industry screeches to a halt and the Keystone Pipeline remains a pipe dream, the president and attorney general telling border agents not to enforce laws, trading murderer terrorists for military deserters, tax dollars paying for prisoners’ sex change operations, schools banning Christmas celebrations, racist policies for college enrollment still in effect, clear and present Second Amendment infringements still in effect across the country, thousands of good citizens being arrested in New York City for having a pocket knife in their possession, President Obama’s Civil Rights Czar Al not so Sharpton owing $4.5 million in long overdue taxes, and on and on and on beyond the pale.


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