Big-Money Liberal Philanthropists Join Big-Biz Republicans to Push Amnesty

During the last decade, big-money interests on the left have joined big-money business interests on the right to push for massive amnesty legislation, with the “grand prize” being a pathway to citizenship—and work permits—for all of the country’s illegal immigrants.

In a report that shows why amnesty represents the biggest divide between the bipartisan elite in the permanent political class and Main Street, the New York Times reported that left-of-center philanthropy groups have poured in hundreds of millions of dollars over the last decade to push for amnesty legislation. Pro-amnesty interests from the left and the right have combined to spend nearly $1.5 billion pushing for the legalization of illegal immigrants and massive increases in guest workers that would provide a nearly unlimited supply of cheap labor at the expense of American workers of all backgrounds.

According to the report, “major donations from some of the nation’s wealthiest liberal foundations, including the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies,” have allowed pro-amnesty group to successfully clamor for immigration reform and special benefits for illegal immigrants.

During the last decade, Atlantic Philanthropies gave “nearly $69 million in 72 immigration grants in the last decade” while the Ford Foundation donated nearly $80 million. In addition “Carnegie has given about $100 million for immigration initiatives” while George Soros’s Open Society Foundations have reportedly poured in $76 million. As Breitbart News has reported, Soros’ millions funded a variety of pro-amnesty immigration front groups while Congress tried to pass the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill.


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