MSNBC Contributor: Obama’s Amnesty Push Is About His Race (Video)

Friday on MSNBC’s “Hardball With Chris Matthews,” the CEO of the Bernard Center For Women, Politics & Public Policy Michelle Bernard, said President Barack Obama is not backing down on his plan to use executive action to issue a sweeping amnesty for upwards of 5 million illegal immigrants currently living in the United States because of his race.

Bernard said, “There is another vantage point to this and I hate to put everything in terms of race, but this is one of those issues where I see it. I don’t think the president is itching for a fight. I think from my perspective and the perspective a lot of African-Americans, what we see is that the president, since the day he was elected, it always feels and looks as if members of the republican party who are saying ‘We are going to put you in your place. You are going to kowtow to us. You are going to do what we want,’ and on this issue, there is no reason for the president not to back down.”

Video linked here at original source.

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