Michael Savage: ‘To many of us, Obama represents pure evil’

Kathy Shaidle recaps hottest discussions on the air.

Michael Savage

On Veteran’s Day, Savage launched a new campaign to reunite a wounded soldier with the military working dog that served with him in Afghanistan. (Free audio.)

The soldier and his family claim that the dog was stolen from them by a higher-ranking officer. Savage asked his listeners to raise the alarm about this miscarriage of justice, and donate to the soldier’s legal fund.

Savage also talked about the Pope’s recent warning that when we “embrace rushing superficiality” and “secularization,” we put ourselves at risk of attracting “demonic forces.”


Rush Limbaugh

As a public figure, can Rush Limbaugh really be libeled?

In an unprecedented move, the radio host is seeking a “retraction and apology” from the “Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for what is being termed a ‘false and defamatory’ statement regarding Limbaugh’s on-air discussion about consent for sexual relations.”

As reported in the industry bible Talkers.com, Limbaugh has accused the DCCC of taking some of his on-air comments out of context and using them to solicit support for their organization.


Complete text linked here.

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