Explosive Election Day scandal in toss-up state

‘We haven’t seen anything like this since the Nixon era’

With just hours until the polls close in the very tight New Hampshire U.S. Senate race, newly revealed memos indicate incumbent Democrat Jeanne Shaheen was in direct communication with one of President Obama’s most trusted IRS officials about increasing the agency’s scrutiny of conservative organizations applying for tax-exempt status, and the chairwoman of New Hampshire’s Republican Party says the news is reverberating across the Granite State.

“People are talking about it all over the state, of course. It is shocking to see that our own United States Senator Jeanne Shaheen engaged in this sort of behavior, using a federal agency, the IRS, to target American citizens for their political beliefs,” said New Hampshire GOP chairwoman Jennifer Horn. “We haven’t seen anything like this, as you know, since the Nixon era. It’s shocking and disappointing to all of us in New Hampshire.”

The memos obtained by the Daily Caller show that Shaheen was in direct contact with IRS Chief Counsel William J. Wilkins, who has previously been labeled “the president’s man at the IRS.” It appears the contact started in March 2012, when Shaheen wrote to Wilkins on behalf of a small group of Democrat senators, including Chuck Schumer of New York and Al Franken of Minnesota.


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