Breaking Bad blamed for shocking rise in crystal meth usage

A leading academic claims the critically-acclaimed US show Breaking Bad “instantly makes people curious” about crystal meth.

The shocking rise in crystal meth usage across the UK and Europe could be down to the influence of hit TV show Breaking Bad, a leading academic has warned.

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction has revealed how parts of the EU are now being flooded with methamphetamine.

Germany in particular has seen the highest surge in usage of the Class-A drug reporting a worrying rise of 51 per cent.

In Britain alone border patrols have seen a surge in attempts to smuggle crystal meth into the country rise by 400 per cent in the past year.

Figures released by the Government in January also revealed seizures of the deadly drug by police forces have also quadrupled in the last five years.

On Monday Professor Ellis Cashmore, an author on celebrity and media culture, from Staffordshire University, said the global success of the critically-acclaimed US drama could be to blame.

He claimed having the central plot of a popular TV show revolving around the drug would instantly boost its appeal.


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