UK – Unofficial Sanctions Now Being Imposed on Muslim Community

How many of what must be literally thousands of child rapists at large have been turned in by their own community?

Wonder what the Pakistani community’s response to the mass rape and torture of thousands of their children by English men would be?

How do they think it makes us feel when public swimming pools for instance are reserved on certain days for Muslim women only?

How insulting to the indigenous community is it when they feel the need to wrap their women in black sackcloth ? Do they think we are all sex offenders?

What about the massively disproportionate number of Muslim taxi drivers in the first place?

How many other Asian businesses out there have 100% Asian employees?

Why did it take just one victim in Steven Lawrence, as opposed to the racially-motivated rape of thousands of white children, for our community to be collectively vilified and demonised for decades? Why no similar political action against this offender community?


Complete text linked here.

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