Things Get Uglier As Black Congresswoman Enters Diversity Fight Against CNN

The brawl between CNN and a black media group just got nastier.

In a statement released early Saturday morning, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) said the recent cuts at Time Warner are “troubling.” Specifically, though, it’s layoffs of African Americans in senior and executive roles at CNN, the company’s flagship news organization, that are particularly “concerning” for her.

Her statement comes on the heels of a few weeks of rough relations between CNN and the National Association of Black Journalists. Last week, NABJ condemned the practices toward black employees at CNN. This week, CNN supposedly pulled funding requested by NABJ for a jobs fair. According to Politico, CNN disputes that it has reached any final conclusions on the matter and that funding has not definitively been pulled.

Still, Fudge is incensed by what she sees is a serious lack of diversity at CNN. She called it “an affront” to the African American journalism community and to African Americans.


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