Democrat Calls for God to Strike Down NRA Members with Ebola

“I will be leading a prayer on air asking god to please do us all a favor & kill the nras members.”

Mike Dickinson, the Virginia democrat who is running for Congress, once again proved why he is not only unfit to hold office, but why he is a vile human being (if you can call him that).

In a tweet yesterday, Dickinson called for God to strike down and kill every member of the NRA with Ebola.

We will pray to god LIVE on @whanradio September 9 at 11 am- that he strikes down everyone in the @NRA w Ebola

— DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) September 1, 2014

Let us pray to god that he infects all members of the @nra with Ebola so they can meet a miserable end, as so many have at the hands of guns

— DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) September 1, 2014

@jnewby1956 @SNAFOO2012 @BlackOpsPenguin I will be leading a prayer on air asking god to please do us all a favor & kill the nras members

— DickinsonForCongress (@VoteMike2014) September 1, 2014


Complete text linked here.

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