Best-Selling Novelist Brad Thor: Political Correctness Puts Americans At Risk (Video)

On American skepticism about government surveillance, Thor thinks it is up to Congress to be aggressive on government malfeasance. If there was a competent, vigilant leader in Congress with authority and respect, whistleblowers would beat a path to Congress, he thinks.

Brad Thor — a keen observer of national security threats and a New York Times bestselling novelist — says that political correctness is now our “biggest chink in our armor.”

Thor, an unabashed patriot, writes successful novels that combine fact and fiction to drive his readers to understand the threats facing this nation. In this exclusive interview, he says “political correctness has always been a wedge, a tool, the left uses to separate people out.”

Saying this is an ideological battle, Thor says it is time to “call out the ideology.”

“Islam wants a carved out place in the public square where they don’t get criticized,” he continued. “If Catholics, Presbyterians, or Dutch Reformers had people killing in the name of their texts in the numbers the Muslim faith does, we would be compelled to address those issues.”


Complete text and video linked here.

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