Dana Loesch Fires Both Barrels At Liberal Narratives That Endanger Minorities (Video)

People are dying and Loesch has had enough.

On Dana Loesch’s TheBlaze TV show on Tuesday, the conservative talker and host addressed a tough topic in a tough way. There have been several recent and very public incidences of police killing citizens who were committing no crime, or were committing no crime worthy of lethal force. In both types of shooting, the outrage is palpable and more than justified.

America is rightly repulsed by the videos that have run on the news networks showing the quick and final actions of police in what are obviously not life threatening situations. But what is the root cause of this terrible problem? Dana explores the racial aspect and more, and even offers an object lesson into how quickly a fearful authority figure can escalate a situation with help from Blaze contributor Ben Howe.

Most importantly, Dana also asks the audience to endure the tough but vital task of watching the videos again, through to their grisly conclusions, so that what must be faced may be understood.

Original source.

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