Bill Clinton: I Lifted ‘100 Times as Many’ People out of Poverty as Ronald Reagan

Former President Bill Clinton declared on Sunday that his economic policies dwarfed those of former President Ronald Reagan.

“When I was president, I’ve told you this before–one of the things I was most proud of is we moved 100 times as many people from poverty into the middle class as moved under President Reagan…And everybody else in the middle did better than they did in the Reagan years,” Clinton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

Clinton’s comments mirror those his wife, Hillary Clinton, made in July on PBS.

“If I just were to compare Reagan’s eight years with Bill’s eight years, it’s like night and day in terms of the effects,” said Hillary Clinton. “The number of jobs that we created, the number of people lifted out of poverty, a hundred times more when Bill was president.”

Politifact rated Hillary Clinton’s statement as “false.”


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