10 Acts of Jihad in America That Americans Haven’t Heard About (Video)

While the world’s attention is focused on the Islamic State, and its jihadis tell Americans that they will “drown all of you in blood,” jihad activity continues in the United States – although hardly anyone notices through the fog of mainstream media obfuscation.

Here are some recent acts of jihad on American soil that you may have missed – all from this spring and summer:

1. Seattle Muslim “on a jihad to kill Americans” prime suspect in four murder cases

Seattle Muslim Ali Muhammad Brown, reported KING 5 News last Tuesday, is “currently in jail on $5 million bail for the alleged murder of a college student in late June.” He has “already been charged with gunning down two men at 29th and King Street in Seattle’s Leschi neighborhood on June 1.” And he is “now the prime suspect in a fourth homicide.”

The report noted laconically in its fifth paragraph, without elaboration, that “multiple sources with knowledge of the investigation say Brown told police he carried out the murders because he was on a jihad to kill Americans.” NJ.com added, also deep in its story on Brown’s murders: “Prosecutors say Brown is a devout Muslim who had become angered by U.S. military intervention in the Islamic world, which he referred to as ‘evil.’”

If these news outlets were committed to informing Americans about the true nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, this seemingly insignificant detail would be in the headline and central to all the reporting on this case. But this myopia they share with the mainstream media in general.


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