NYPD Warns NYC Too Dangerous for Democratic Convention

Citing official statistics and news reported exclusively by The Post, Mullins noted that shootings are up, “squeegee people are reappearing on the streets, and aggressive panhandlers and con men are populating the subways and Times Square.

A Democrat in City Hall has managed to turn back the clock on 20 years of crime reductions by championing criminals and waging war on the police. Elect a Dinkins errand boy and you get the second term of David Dinkins.

His fellow Democrats should benefit from the crime wave has brought back to New York.

The head of the NYPD’s sergeants union on Tuesday urged Democrats to choose anywhere but New York City as the site of their 2016 convention, citing surging crime and a lack of support for cops by Mayor de Blasio.

Full-page newspaper ads in The Post and elsewhere said the Sergeants Benevolent Association “cannot now in good conscience” join de Blasio in lobbying the Democratic National Committee to hold its political powwow at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.


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