New Doc Boasts That It Will Tell “the Truth They Don’t Want You to Hear About White Flight”

It took me a few minutes to determine that Spanish Lake, MO is a short 15 minute drive from Ferguson, MO. So connect the dots…

File this one under “Things That Make You Go Hmm…”

I stumbled upon this feature documentary while doing some reading up on Ferguson, Missouri’s history (in light of the shooting death of Michael Brown). Titled “Spanish Lake,” the film purports to examine the economic oppression, underlying racism, growing political divide, so-called “white flight,” and the rise of anti-government sentiment in the suburb of Spanish Lake, Missouri.

It took me a few minutes to determine that Spanish Lake, MO is a short 15 minute drive from Ferguson, MO. So connect the dots…

Directed by Phillip Andrew Morton, the filmmaker’s hometown is Spanish Lake (although he currently is based in Los Angeles). He says he was inspired to make the film after witnessing the profound changes the area had undergone over the years, and hopes that the film will engender discussions around the country on the topics it highlights.


Complete text linked here.

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