Ferguson backlash: Rallies coast-to-coast for officer

Veterans, police, border agents all ‘under siege’ says organizer.

Americans plan to take to the streets in nearly 100 U.S. cities this weekend in support of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson as well as a U.S. Marine being held since March 31 in Mexico and the families of two slain Border Patrol agents.

William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, one of the groups organizing the rallies, said police, veterans and Border Patrol agents are “under siege” in America.

He said the mainstream media are promoting a “false narrative” regarding the teen killed while “surrendering” to police in Ferguson, Missouri, the imprisonment of U.S. Marine Andrew Tahmooressi in Mexico and the killing of border agents Brian Terry and Javier Vega Jr.

Gheen charged “widespread defamation and abuse” against the men by a biased media and politicians.

Tahmooressi, 26, was jailed by the Mexican government in late March after inadvertently driving across the border with his personal guns in his car. He claimed he was detained for eight hours without charge and denied access to an interpreter.

Vega Jr. was gunned down by illegal aliens while off duty and fishing with his family in Willacy County, Texas.


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