Chuck Norris is standing right behind you, and he insists that you register to vote (Video)

“There’s only one thing stronger than these,” Norris says in the video as he holds up his legendary fists. “Your vote.”

The National Rifle Association’s Freedom Action Foundation released a video Wednesday morning in which action movie star and NRA supporter Chuck Norris counts down his top ten reasons why you should register to vote in the upcoming election.

“You can always ignore my advice. The dinosaurs did,” Norris deadpans into the camera as he starts the countdown.

Norris is the honorary chairman of the NRA’s ‘Trigger the Vote‘ campaign, which aims to register new voters across the country who support the Second Amendment.

“Through its valuable work, the NRA is able to reach millions of freedom-loving Americans and ensure that they are prepared to exercise their right to vote,” NRA Freedom Action Foundation President Chris Cox said in July.


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