Sarah Palin Gives Conservative Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Progressive Commandments

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin gave a “commonsense conservative” response to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) progressive commandments on her SarahPalinChannel. Long before Warren and Republican Dave Brat, Palin was attacking the bipartisan permanent political class and their embrace of crony capitalism. That is why Palin has always appealed to Reagan Democrats and independents fed up with both parties.

After Palin’s landmark 2011 speech in Indianola, Iowa, Republicans who enabled the cronyism associated with George W. Bush and the GOP-controlled Senate were forced to slowly combat it.

So it is only fitting that after Warren introduced her 11 progressive commandments at last month’s left-wing Netroots conference, Palin, on her SarahPalinChannel, responded to each of Warren’s progressive commandments in her trademark manner.


Complete text and video linked here.

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