Former NFL Linebacker: Democrat Party is Destroying Black Communities (Video)

Former NFL linebacker Garry Cobb, who played a combined 11 seasons for the Lions, Eagles, and Cowboys, told Newsmax TV’s Steve Malzberg on Wednesday that he grew up poor and a Democrat until he realized that the party was destroying black families.

Cobb, who is also a candidate for U.S. Congress in New Jersey’s 1st congressional district, told Malzberg, “We started out poor…. As a kid I could remember eating mayonnaise sandwiches, ketchup sandwiches and drinking sugar water, but we were able to go out and do better than our parents and that’s what my parents dreamed of.”

Cobb, 57, explained that Democrat Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs, supposedly designed to combat poverty, had the opposite effect on black Americans, forcing fathers out of homes and destroying black families.

“In order to get on the program (LBJ’s eliminate poverty program), the man had to leave the home,” Cobb said. “It’s destroyed African-American families throughout the country.”

“I was all into the Democratic Party and everything and then I started realizing they helped destroy our communities and we’re celebrating electing these people,” Cobb, who volunteers his time helping underprivileged youth in the Camden, New Jersey area, recalled.


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