Legendary Business Owner Warns of Economic Collapse by Wayne Root

But today, Gorsek has a new story and a message every American needs to hear. Unfortunately, his updated story is proof positive that no recovery is coming, no middle class jobs rebound is possible.

My new book, “The Murder of the Middle Class” paints a picture of economic devastation throughout America.

Because of big government overreach, onerous taxes, debt, regulations, lawsuits and increased Internal Revenue Service attacks on business, the odds of starting a new business and succeeding have been badly damaged. This is precisely why there is a severe shortage of new full-time, middle class jobs.

Small business traditionally created a majority of new jobs, yet small business is under withering attack by the Obama administration, the judicial system, and our political class.

I can quote hundreds of factual statistics proving the American economy is in severe decline.

Recently, we learned American household wealth has declined by over one-third in only 10 years. Over the same time electricity, water, fuel, food and tax costs have soared by as much as over 100 percent.

But why deal with sterile statistics? Let’s go right to the source. Let’s hear the reason for the decline of American business direct from a mega successful businessman who has “boots on the ground.”

Wayne Gorsek is the quintessential American entrepreneur. He has lived the American Dream.

Raised and adopted by his grandparents (who lived in a 14-foot by 70-foot single-wide mobile home), Gorsek started a tiny vitamin company in Springfield, Illinois out of a basement in 1994. He grew his small company into the most successful online vitamin retailer in the world. His company became one of the few in history to earn “INC 500 Hall of Fame” status. For 15 years, Gorsek’s company grew at a remarkable 50 percent a year pace, and by thousands of percent over 15 years.


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