Obama: My Muslim Family’s Polygamy was Empowering

Obama is dramatically rewriting the reality of his Muslim family and the Luo tribe, which is about as feminist as Mohammed.

Well now that we’ve gotten gay marriage out of the way, next stop is polygamy station. Consider this a little trial balloon.

OBAMA: This is where sometimes traditions can get in the way. As many of you know my father was from Kenya. We see this in other parts of the world. Some of the old ways of gender relations might have made sense in a particular setting, all right? So in Kenya, for example, in the Luo tribe, polygamy existed. It was based on the idea that women had their own compounds, they had their own land, and so they were empowered in that area to be self-sufficient. And then urbanization happened, suddenly the men may be traveling to the city, and suddenly there is another family in the city and the women who are left back in the villages may not be empowered.

Polygamy wasn’t based on the idea that women have their own compounds. That’s a blatant inversion.


Complete text linked here.

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